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2016 Events

Children's video LEAP

On January 17th,  LEAP interviewed children to get their views on Lucy being at the zoo. See the finished video in our video section called: "Kids Speak Up For Lucy"

January 24th  Jani becomes

a LEAP admin

February 5th  Nadia becomes

a LEAP admin

Elephant Nature Park LEAP

February,  LEAP admins Mary-Ann and Gary visit

Elephant Nature Park (ENP) in Thailand and meet with elephant saviour, Lek Chailert. They are given LEAP t-shirts and brace-

lets and Lek grants us an

interview giving her thoughts on moving Lucy based on her expertise.  They also get a interview with Jodie, a long-time

Elephant Nature Park LEAP

Darrick and Lek wearing LEAP's Save Lucy bracelet

Photo Credit: Gary Fadden

volunteer at ENP and visit Sri Lanka, birthplace of Lucy.  There are 3 different videos from this trip in our video section: "LEAP Talks with Lek Chailert of ENP", "Can Lucy Be Moved to Sanctuary?" & "Lucy's Former Life".

LEAP's Mary-Ann Holm and Lek Chailert amongst some beautiful girls at ENP

Photo Credit: Gary Fadden

Asian elephant tracks in the snow Lucy the elephant LEAP

February 14th

LEAP admin Sam Whincup pays a visit to Lucy on Valentine's Day at the Edmonton

Valley Zoo

Children's video LEAP

Feb 28th LEAP video "Kids Speak Up For Lucy"

is released

March 2nd

Letter writing campaign to Shannon Phillips starts

Elephant Nature Park Jodie LEAP

March 12th

Jodi Thomas, a long-time volunteer at ENP explains why she believes Lucy can be moved to sanctuary in LEAP's video release "Can Lucy Be Moved To Sanctuary?"

Jodi Thomas of ENP

Photo Credit: Mary-Ann Holm

Lucy the elephant Sri Lanka Asian elephants LEAP

March 12th

LEAP release "Lucy's Former Life" video

A wild Asian elephant in Sri Lanka

Photo Credit: Gary Fadden

March 27th  Gary becomes

a LEAP admin

Alberta Legislature LEAP
Handing a petition to Alberta Government LEAP
Demonstration at Shannon Phillips office LEAP

At the Alberta Legislature Building

Photo Credit: Gary Fadden

Presenting signed petitions to the Alberta Government

Photo Credit: Gary Fadden

March 29th

Demonstration at Minister Shannon Phllips office and march to the Alberta Legislature to present signed petitions to the Alberta Government


Demonstration at Minister Shannon Phillips Office

Photo Credit: Gary Fadden

April 3rd LEAP General Meeting

Elephant Nature Park Lek Chailert LEAP

April 10th

LEAP releases the video "LEAP Talks With Lek"

Lek Chailert at ENP

Photo Credit: Gary Fadden

Sangita Iyer LEAP

April 14th

Award winning documentary film maker, Sangita Iyer, writes an article about Lucy for the Huffington Post.  You can read it here.

Airbrushing an elephant LEAP

April 26th

LEAP admin Sam Whincup creates 'Mini Lucy' for some attention grabbing and promotions while at our events.

Table at Old STrathcona LEAP

First tabling in Old Strathcona   Photo Credit: Sam Whincup

April 30th

First Information Tabling in Old Strathcona

May 21st

Candle light Vigial at the EVZ to commemorate Lucy's 39th year of imprisonment

Candlelight Vigil Lucy the Elephant LEAP

Candlelight Vigil at the Edmonton Valley Zoo   Photo Credit: Sam Whincup

Light Brigade Lucy the Elephant

May 21st

First Light Brigade held on an overpass over the Whitemud Freeway

May 27

Light Brigade and Candlelight Vigil video is released by LEAP. People from all over the world send in photos of them lighting a candle for Lucy in a moving tribute to her.

First Light Brigade

Photo Credit: Sam Whincup

Boycott Edmonton Valley Zoo LEAP

May 28

#BoycottEVZ pledge is started. Sign the pledge to boycott and wear a pin! Again, Lucy supporters world wide pledge and send in photos of them wearing their pins!

#BoycottEVZ pins

Photo Credit: Sam Whincup

& Free the Oregon Zoo Elephants

Free the Oregon Zoo Elephants Lucy the Elephant LEAP
Table at Old Strathcona LEAP

June 4

LEAP's 2nd Tabling

at Edmonton Pride

Parade and later that evening the 2nd Light Brigade


June 7

"Pride for Lucy" video released

#PrideforLucy and 2nd Light Brigade

Photo Credit: Sam Whincup

LEAP Light Brigade
Table Downtown Edmonton LEAP

June 26

LEAP's 3rd Tabling,

Take the Lucy Pledge

July 17

LEAP's 4th Tabling

Table Downtown Edmonton LEAP
Lucy the Elephant LEAP

July 25

LEAP admins Mary-Ann & Sam go over to the EVZ to gather more photos and videos of Lucy and to check on her well-being

Lucy at the EVZ July 2016

Photo Credit: Mary-Ann Holm &

Sam Whincup

Lucy the Elephant LEAP
Light Brigade LEAP

August 13

In honour of WORLD ELEPHANT DAY, LEAP advocates hold the 3rd Light Brigade for Lucy over the Whitemud Freeway

World Elephant Day Light Brigade     Photo Credit: Sam Whincup & Gary Fadden

Zoo Protest LEAP
Zoo Protest LEAP

Demonstration at Zoolander Fashion Show     Photo Credit: Sam Whincup

August 18

LEAP held a demonstration outside the zoo during their Zoolander Fashion show, protesting not just for Lucy but all the animals bothered by the loud music and bright lights.


September 17

Tabling #5 for both LEAP and GMFER

Tablings and GMFER March

Photo Credit: Sam Whincup

September 24

Tabling #6 for both LEAP and GMFER

September 24

Global March for Elephants

and Rhinos Edmonton 2016

Table at Miller's Cross Farmer's Market LEAP

October 9th

Tabling #7 at Miller's Cross Farmer's Market

Online Auction LEAP
Online Auction LEAP
Online Auction LEAP

October 22- 29th

2nd Annual Online Auction with 50% of money raised being donated to Sangita Iyer and her movie 'Gods in Shackles'

Table at Miller's Cross Farmer's Market LEAP

October 30th

Tabling #8 at Miller's Cross Farmer's Market

Lucy the Elephant Edmonton Valley Zoo LEAP

December 28th

LEAP advocates Mary-Ann, Gary & Amy go to see Lucy ant the Edmonton Valley Zoo and film and photograph Lucy struggling on the snow and ice to keep her balance.  A video of this is released in early 2017 raising concerns of advocates world wide.


2 videos of this can be found in our video section.

Lucy walking on the snow December 2016

Photo Credit:Amy Fadden

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